Southern Region
Rescue Success Story
Adia ID4491
Name: Adia
ID: 4491
Location: FL
Status: Adopted
Sex: Female
Age: 18 mos
Date Adopted: 08/2014

Adia's Story

Little Adia came to me from a puppy mill on the east coast of FL. She was the only RR on the property....all others were Pit Bulls. The owner of the mill became a long-term guest of the state and all dogs on the property were taken. Adia had been bred at only 14 months old, and all that lay ahead of her was a lifetime of breeding and her puppies used for fighting. Thankfully, both Adia and all the puppies she would have been forced to have were saved this fate. Her first several weeks in foster care were very difficult and scary for Adia...she was frightened of most everything. Even trying to bring her inside the house at first found her wrapping her paws around the door frame and hanging on, afraid to come inside. If approached with a collar or lead, she fell to the ground trembling and refused to stand up or walk. She had to be carried/pushed/pulled in and out of the house several times a day to get her outside to housebreak her. Grass was the enemy and the concrete patio the choice of bathroom. However, her second day she bonded closely with Rudy, a 12 year old, one-eye rescue that became a "forever" rescue. She took great comfort in staying close to him and Rudy quickly became her security blanket. Wherever he lay down, so laid next to or on top of him. Rudy eventually has helped her learn to go in and out without fear and even go play in the grass. But if startled or scared, she always seeks out her Rudy. Because of the close bond they have formed, I have decided to adopt Adia and keep her with him. Although she is learning to have fun playing with the other dogs in my home, and has bonded closely with me, she still has a lot of issues to work through. She has made progress, but still has a long way to go. She has won my heart and since she is settling in and happy where she is at, I have decided to make this remarkable little girl a permanent part of my forever rescue family.
Adia ID4491Adia ID4491
Adia ID4491Adia ID4491
Rescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue DogRescue Dog